Original Article

Impact of 5-Fu/oxaliplatin on mouse dendritic cells and synergetic effect with a colon cancer vaccine
Xinqiang Hong, Tiangeng Dong, Tuo Yi, Jianwei Hu, Zhen Zhang, Shengli Lin, Weixin Niu

Original Article

A nomogram to predict adjuvant chemotherapy recommendation in breast cancer patients with intermediate recurrence score
Feilin Qu, Xiaosong Chen, Xiaochun Fei, Lin Lin, Weiqi Gao, Yu Zong, Jiayi Wu, Ou Huang, Jianrong He, Li Zhu, Weiguo Chen, Yafen Li, Kunwei Shen
A multicenter hospital-based diagnosis study of automated breast ultrasound system in detecting breast cancer among Chinese women
Xi Zhang, Xi Lin, Yanjuan Tan, Ying Zhu, Hui Wang, Ruimei Feng, Guoxue Tang, Xiang Zhou, Anhua Li, Youlin Qiao
Health-related quality of life among rural residents aged 45−69 years in Hua County, Henan Province, China: Results of ESECC Trial for esophageal cancer screening with endoscopy
Hui Wang, Yaqi Pan, Chuanhai Guo, Fenglei Li, Ruiping Xu, Mengfei Liu, Zhen Liu, Fangfang Liu, Hong Cai, Yang Ke, Zhonghu He
Elevated preoperative plasma D-dimer dose not adversely affect survival of gastric cancer after gastrectomy with curative intent: A propensity score analysis
Yuexiang Liang, Donglei He, Liangliang Wu, Xuewei Ding, Xiaona Wang, Baogui Wang, Rupeng Zhang, Han Liang
Feasibility of differentiating T3 from T4a gastric cancer in different Lauren classification by determining serosa invasion: Diagnostic performance of high enhanced serosa sign
Rui-Jia Sun, Lei Tang, Ying Chen, Xiao-Ting Li, Yu Sun, Zi-Yu Li, Ying-Shi Sun
Long-term outcomes in patients with ypT0 rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and curative resection
Zhao Lu, Pu Cheng, Fu Yang, Zhaoxu Zheng, Xishan Wang
IGHG1 promotes motility likely through epithelial-mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer
Jingfeng Qian, Fangxing Ji, Xue Ye, Hongyan Cheng, Ruiqiong Ma, Xiaohong Chang, Chengchao Shou, Heng Cui
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